Monday, October 17, 2011


Simple meal,
Easy to prepare.....

Just boil the preference soup:
Chinese Herbal Soup,
Tom Yam Soup,
Salted Vegetable Soup......

Put all the ingredients in together,
When we want to eat.......

Best part of all is,
It's a great family-bonding time.......
While waiting for the food to cook!~


  1. I miss steamboat!! You made me feel like having one immediately, haha...

  2. Hy,
    chanced upon your space while blog hopping..
    love your space...very interesting posts with lovely presentation..
    Am your happy follower now..;)
    do stop by mine sometime..
    Tasty Appetite

  3. Prasetyo, tq!~

    Kids Dream Work, go go go!~ It's easy to prepare and it's fun!~

    Jay, thanks for dropping by!~
